Root Canals

Our Root Canal Procedure

In the past, when a tooth becomes abscessed and the soft tissue inside its root-canal dies, your only option was to have the affected tooth extracted. Today, through advances in dental technology, it is now possible to save that affected tooth through a treatment known as root canal. Many dental patients are fearful of this procedure because they do not want to experience any pain in the dental chair. At Laurich Dentistry we are compassionate and gentle. We have decades of combined experience performing this procedure, followed by a temporary or new dental crown.

What is a root canal infection?

A root canal infection happens when the pulp or the soft tissue inside the root canal dies and becomes inflamed. Sometimes, an abscessed tooth does not exhibit any symptoms. However, it is common for people with a root canal infection to experience symptoms like pain while chewing, swollen gums, prolonged sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, dark discoloration or the tooth, and others.

How is root canal infection treated?

If your tooth is infected, there are two main options that we can recommend: have the tooth extracted or save the affected tooth through root canal treatment.

How do you determine whether a tooth can be saved or needs to be extracted?

There are instances wherein a tooth cannot be saved and needs to be extracted. If the tooth has a large cavity which affects its structure and makes it too weak for repair, we will recommend an extraction. If the affected tooth is severely fractured or if it has a crack that goes below the gum line, your best option would be to have it extracted. In order to determine whether the tooth can still be saved and if you are an ideal candidate for root canal treatment, we will need to examine your tooth.

During this examination, we will determine what the best course of action to take would be, whether that is tooth extraction or root canal treatment. If you need to have the affected tooth extracted, we can recommend different tooth replacement options for you to choose from.

Why should you consider undergoing a root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment offers a few advantages over tooth extraction. For one, you will be able to save your tooth. The removal of the infected pulp will not affect the function of the affected tooth. The main purpose of the pulp is only to provide hot or cold sensations. When the main structure of the tooth is saved, you can chew and bite as you normally would, without fear of pain. Plus, you can protect nearby teeth from excessive wear and strain. You can also protect your jawbone from injury. And when the infected tissue is removed, you can eliminate the risks to your overall health.

What happens during the treatment?

The treatment can be performed between one and three visits. We will first administer a local anesthesia onto the area we will work on. And contrary to the common belief that root canal is a painful procedure, it is not. In fact, most patients say that it is no more painful than a dental filling. This will be followed by a pulpectomy where an opening on the infected tooth is made. After that, the diseased pulp is removed and the tooth is cleaned thoroughly. Finally, the opening that was initially made will be filled with a material known as gutta-percha before the opening is sealed off with a special kind of cement.

Root Canal Treatment Step by Step Graphic

At Laurich Dentistry, our goal is to provide you exceptional oral health and a beautiful smile. If you are suffering from a root canal infection, we will help you determine the best course of action to take.

Book an appointment with us to determine if you are an ideal candidate for root canal treatment. Or call us to learn more about our dental services in Farmington Hills and Livonia.

About The Author
Dr. Dale Flanagin II​

Dr. Dale Flanagin II is a distinguished professional in the field of dentistry, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology as well as a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree. He is committed to improving the lives of others through his work, driven by a lifelong passion for helping people.

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